COVID-19: We take every precaution and practice social distancing, wear PPE and make sure to clean up after ourselves!

Pest Control from Piscataway & Summit, New Jersey


Our pest control company inspects and then treats your home by spraying a water-based chemical solution. It is nontoxic after drying and is effective for approximately 3 months.

Types of Pests Include:

  • Ants
  • Centipedes
  • Millipedes
  • Crickets
  • Silverfish
  • Cockroaches
  • Spiders
  • Moths
  • Fleas

The amount of time our technician will be in your home is 45 to 60 minutes. Note that Drone Termite & Pest Control does not treat for or remove live snakes.

Contact us at (732) 885-3931 or (908) 273-4890 today for a free estimate for safely removing unwelcome pests.

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